Virginia beach circuit court. Jurors For Report Date: 03/10/2025.
Virginia beach circuit court Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms You must login to view your order. To report technical problems with our Website, Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Mar 5, 2020 · Circuit Court judges in Virginia are appointed to 8-year terms. Enter your personal identification number in the field marked "Barcode Number". For more information, contact the Electoral Board Members at 757-385-8683 or by email at voter@vbgov. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Circuit Court Deed Book Forms. Edward W. You or your attorney must note your appeal in the Clerk of Juvenile Court's Office within 10 calendar days (30 calendar days for support cases tried under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act) of the entry of have you, within the three-year period immediately preceding the date of this application, been charged with any offense enumerated in this paragraph and the trial court found the facts of the case were sufficient for a finding of guilt and disposed of the case pursuant to § 18. The events and duties of the parties are outlined in the civil case management manual. code § 8. 01-217 . The Virginia Beach Circuit Court has two dockets for hearing motions: (1) the Friday motion docket and (2) the duty judge docket. Sinnen, is located at 2425 Nimmo Parkway in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This is a project with a limited number of courts. The 2nd Judicial Circuit includes Accomack County, Northampton County, and the City of Virginia Beach. Ct. Circuit 2 - Accomack, Northampton, Virginia Beach. Justia › Forms › Virginia › Local County › Virginia Beach › Circuit Court The Virginia Judicial System has a number of forms for each court available on the court's form page. Courtrooms 1-8 are located on the fourth floor of Building 10. Circuit 3 - Portsmouth. Circuit Court General View information about the City of Virginia Beach Circuit Court Friday Motion Docket and Duty Judge Motion Docket, and follow procedures to view the docket online and submit a docket hearing request. (540) 743-4064/6902. 2-3700 et seq. Official Sources for Virginia Beach Court Records. Cases appealed from the General District Court are heard by the Circuit Court de novo. 00 per certification of order. Aug 5, 2022 · Virginia Beach Circuit Court Civil Division IN RE: GENDER QUEER, A MEMOIR (Case No. 2-308. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Virginia Beach Circuit Court Virginia Beach Circuit Court is a courthouse in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Commissioners in chancery are utilized for certain matters. Expect to be able and qualified in handling court reporter, defendants, and witness’s oaths. In Virginia Beach Criminal Courts, the government brings a case against a defendant who is accused of breaking the law. ). Jul 11, 2024 · He is the third Jewish circuit court judge to be appointed in Virginia Beach, following the Honorable Jerry Friedman and Honorable Alan Rosenblatt. She was nominated to the court on January 24, 2022 by the Virginia State Senate and was later confirmed by the Virginia House of Delegates. After recordation, the Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Public Records Maintained by a Circuit Court Clerk Supreme Court of Virginia, 100 North 9th Street, Richmond, Va. We welcome your use of this informational system. The Circuit Court is the trial court of general jurisdiction with the authority to try both civil and criminal cases. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Feb 13, 2025 · This happens due to an excellent working partnership between the citizens of Virginia Beach, law enforcement and the Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney. Hanson Jr. You must take specific steps to ensure you are properly serving opposing parties. There is 1 employee in City of Virginia Beach whose job title is circuit court clerk. , Monday-Friday, except holidays. VIRGINIA BEACH CIRCUIT COURT CIVIL FEE SCHEDULE ACTION Filing Type Writ Tax (049) State Police Fee (104) Tech Trust Fund (106) Legal Aid Fee (123) Court Tech Fund (170) Clerk Fee (304) Docket Page Circuit Court 116 South Court Street, Suite A Luray, Virginia 22835 Tel. (757) 385-3111; vb311 Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Virginia Beach Circuit Court, 2425 Nimmo Parkway, Building 10, 4th Floor. The voting systems chosen for use by your Electoral Board in the City of Virginia Beach are the Election Systems & Software (ES&S) DS200 and the ExpressVote Voting System. Tanya Bullock is an officeholder of the Virginia 2nd Judicial Circuit. Warren Circuit Court 1 East Main Street Virginia Beach Circuit Court. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Virginia Beach, VA 23456. 1-228, as: A child whose behavior, conduct or condition presents or results in a serious threat to the well-being and physical safety of the child; however, no child who in good faith is under treatment solely by spiritual means through prayer in accordance with the tenets and practices of a recognized church or The Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, states that you may enter a written appearance, waiver of court hearing, plea of guilty, and pay fines and costs for those offenses listed in the uniform fee schedule set out in rule 3B:2 of the Rules of Virginia Supreme Court. Virginia Beach. Connect With the Courts The City Treasurer's Office is tasked with the collection of delinquent court costs and fines on behalf of the General District Court, Circuit Court, and… VirginiaBeach. An engaged couple in Virginia Beach can apply for a marriage license at the Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk’s office, which is located at 2425 Nimmo Parkway, Bldg. In the Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk's Office, copy fees are $0. For credit card payments, a credit card convenience fee (account code 407) is charged and may vary from court to court pursuant to §17. The Virginia Judicial System has a number of forms for each court available on the court's form page. Understanding process for Circuit Court Capias when receiving and examining defendant’s paperwork. Continuances of Cases Due to Court Closure: Pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of the Chesapeake Circuit Court (PDF), cases set to be heard on a day on which the Court and Clerk's Office have been closed pursuant to Virginia Code Section 17. VA Bar No. Read the guidelines in… VirginiaBeach. The General District Court is also situated at the Virginia Beach Judicial Center. When a visitation order based on a previously filed visitation petition has been entered in this court or a Circuit Court decree has been entered ordering specific visitation, then a motion to amend/review (form DC-630) may be filed to modify visitation or a motion to show cause (form DC-635) may be filed for failure to comply with visitation. The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA), located in the Code of Virginia § 2. Visitation. gov. Cynthia Morrison . Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. The webmaster will not respond to inquiries seeking legal advice or specific cases. Public access to court records in Virginia Beach Circuit Court - Virginia Beach Courthouse, Virginia Beach City Court, Virginia. The circuit court handles most civil cases with claims of more than $25,000. ( must enter through Building 10 ) The Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk's Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a. The office is closed on state holidays. VIRGINIA BEACH CIRCUIT COURT Welcome to the Virginia Beach online juror response option. to allow time to issue the marriage license. Bennett, Judge $35 per person - Acceptance Fee to City of Virginia Beach; $15 per person - Passport photo; Contact City of Virginia Beach; 2401 Courthouse Dr. Circuit Court Case Information Online access to civil and criminal cases in select circuit courts. Virginia. CL22-1984) PETITIONER’S OMNIBUS BRIEF IN OPPOSITION OF RESPONDENTS' MOTIONS Timothy V. The Virginia Beach Circuit Court, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia is a government institution where legal disputes are resolved in accordance with the law. form cc-1411 (master, page one of two) 02/23 application for change of name (adult) commonwealth of virginia va. Apr 7, 2023 · Notice to jurors of identity theft. Circuit and District Courts: Portsmouth : Hon. Apr. 804-786-6455. Virginia Beach City records an average of 8,000 violent crimes and 7,800 property crimes annually. Virginia Beach General District Court. This is the only public entrance to the courts building. Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia, 100 North Ninth Street, Richmond, VA 23219 To report technical problems with our Website, please contact the webmaster . Proven E-Filing Solution More than 900 counties in 22 states are using Tyler's e-filing solution and achieving great success. Department Phone Numbers Clerk & Supervisors Phone Numbers. Please arrive by 3:30 p. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms The circuit court is the trial court with the broadest powers in Virginia. gov (757) 385 -8372 . 3 . THIS WEBSITE IS CLOSED FOR THE 2025 QUESTIONNAIRES MAILED IN 2024. OES is the administrative office for Virginia's Court System. Jul 3, 2024 · Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket All the requested information should be faxed to the Virginia Beach Juvenile Court at 757-385-5683 The Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk's Office, headed by Clerk of Circuit Court Tina E. No blood tests or witnesses are required. 1. Coordination of the placement of defendant’s circuit court docket that are required to attend their circuit court arraignment. The Judicial System has adopted the online application process through Virginia's PageUp system. Circuit Court Daily Docket. . These forms are designed and tested to work with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and may not display or function correctly in browser specific PDF viewers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc. 10-B, 3rd floor. The court has broad jurisdiction over civil claims of more than $15,000, felonies and family matters. A few success stories include: Clark County, Nevada, moved to mandatory e-filing in 2010 and reduced customer service windows from 13 to 3. 2018) case opinion from the Eastern District of Virginia US Federal District Court. 5125 : 4 . This information is made available for public use by the Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Daily duty judge docket. Dawson Entwisle Virginia Beach Circuit Court jentwisle@vacourts. 2-251 or substantiality similar law of virginia, any other state The Virginia circuit court system is composed of 31 judicial circuits with 120 separate circuit courts in the various counties and cities of the Commonwealth. : CL15-5459 (Va. Rockingham Circuit Court 80 Court Square Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802 Tel. Selected civil, criminal, and traffic forms are available and translated into Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese languages. This system is intended solely for the use of authorized Officer of the Court personnel to retrieve and review court documents they are specifically authorized to view. The Circuit Court has established procedures for civil cases. Courtrooms 9 and 10 are located on the third floor of Building 10. CL22-1985) & IN RE: A COURT OF MIST & FURY (Case No. For account creation, maintenance, and support, please contact the Circuit Court Clerk. 1-275(A)(27). Portsmouth Circuit Court : cmorrison@vacourts. Virginia Beach General District Court Civil Division Concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court for claims when the amount is more than $4,500 and less than The Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk's Office is located in Building 10B, third floor. Landing Road Suite 104 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 (757) 301-3636 Who do I contact about volunteer opportunities? If you are interested in volunteering at the Juvenile Court, please contact Cathy Lloyd at (757) 385-4895. He was elected to the seat by the Virginia General Assembly in 2023. Va. The circuit court is the trial court with the broadest powers in Virginia. Jan 1, 2024 · Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Applications are received by the Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk’s Office, and they are reviewed by the Virginia Beach Police Department. Your personal identification number will be called "ID Number" on the Candidate Juror Questionnaire. (540) 564-3111 Tel. The final decision to issue the permit is made by a Circuit Court Judge. Afshin Farashahi is a judge for the 2nd Judicial Circuit Court of Virginia. She assumed office on March 1, 2022. CountyOffice. Circuit and District Courts: Norfolk Circuit 1 - Chesapeake. It shares authority with the general district court to hear matters involving claims between $4,500 and $25,000, and in civil cases for personal injury and wrongful death up to $50,000. -4 p. Belote, Judge Hon. Circuit Court Records Online access to court records such as deeds, marriage licenses, judgments, and wills for selected courts. Circuit and District Courts: Norfolk Thank you for using the City of Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk's automated marriage license application program. The Adobe Reader (free from Adobe) allows you to view, complete and print PDF documents. These forms are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. 1-207(A)(3), due to the determination that operation of the Court and Clerk's Office, under prevailing Tanya Bullock is an officeholder of the Virginia 2nd Judicial Circuit. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. Email Address A Child in Need of Services is defined in the Code of Virginia, Section 16. (540) 459-6150 Shenandoah Circuit Court 112 South Main Street Post Office Box 406 Woodstock, Virginia 22664. , Virginia Beach, VA 23456. More information, including a downloadable pdf file of the marriage license application, is available on the official Virginia Beach Circuit Court website The General District Court is also situated at the Virginia Beach Judicial Center. This system, for use by members of the Virginia State Bar and their designated staff, allows electronic filing of most civil cases in circuit court. 2-251 or substantiality similar law of virginia, any other state Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Court Date Continuance Request. Be sure to add the number of cover sheet pages to the page count on the Content tab before calculating the instrument taxes and fees. 23219; Tel. You can also access forms by entering the form number or a keyword in the search box on the court's form page, which is located in the upper right hand corner of each page above the navigation column. have you, within the three-year period immediately preceding the date of this application, been charged with any offense enumerated in this paragraph and the trial court found the facts of the case were sufficient for a finding of guilt and disposed of the case pursuant to § 18. Generally, you have the right to appeal the Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court's final order to the Virginia Beach Circuit Court. In criminal cases, the circuit court has jurisdiction over the trial of all felonies and of those misdemeanors originally charged in circuit court. Relations Court: Virginia Beach . VA Circuit Court Virginia Beach Circuit Court2425 Nimmo Parkway, Building 10, 4th FloorVirginia Beach, VA 23456-9017 Phone: (757) 427-4181 Fax: (757) 426-5686 Reported DecisionsOther Links Opinions Summarized in Lawyers Weekly Buyer Wins Specific Performance, Can Close Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Official Sources for Virginia Beach Court Records. Circuit 4 - Norfolk. Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk Office is a government agency in Virginia Beach, VA that provides administrative support to the Circuit Court. All other use is expressly prohibited. Order Number. , guarantees citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives of the media access to public records held by public bodies, public officials and public employees. Belongia, Judge Hon. org is an independent organization that gathers Court Records and other information from various Virginia Beach government and non-government sources. Clerks’ offices who have enabled free index only access will display as 'Available' and provide the ability to search land records indexes without logging in to SRA or having an active subscription. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit . Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Circuit Court Clerk's Office at (757) 385-8926. Virginia Beach Circuit Court, No. Virginia Beach Circuit Court is situated nearby to the suburb Princess Anne, as well as near Pungo. 6/22/22: The Honorable Sal Iaquinto has been selected by the Judges of the Virginia Beach General District Court to be the new chief judge of the beginning on July 1, 2022. Flax’s formal investiture occurred on June 7 in a courtroom filled with 300 friends, family members, and former colleagues. Feb 13, 2025 · This happens due to an excellent working partnership between the citizens of Virginia Beach, law enforcement and the Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney. The circuit court handles all civil cases with claims of more than $25,000. Jurors whose Group Number appears on this list must report to the Jury Assembly Room, located on the Ground floor of the Judicial Center, Building 10, by 8:45 am on the date listed above. Sinnen, Clerk of Court – Download PDF . Divorce and civil case procedure manuals available online. , 9:30 a. Her current term ends in 2030. The numbers beside the case indicate the courtroom number. If your court date is nine business days or less from this date, you must fax your request to 757-385-1063 or appear at our office in person, between the hours of 8 a. ext. Cases may be searched using name, case number, or hearing date. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms The Available Courts tab within SRA includes a list of Virginia Circuit Court Clerks offices and displays if they have enabled this functionality. The Circuit Court also has jurisdiction over divorce cases and adoptions. . Cir. City of Virginia Beach General District Court Schedule Mar 16, 2020 · The Honorable Tina E. The Virginia Beach Circuit Court may call to find out why someone did not show up for jury duty, but our court officials will never request personal identifying information over the phone or request a payment to avoid the court process. The case data viewable in the format shown on this System is provided with the consent of the participating circuit court clerks. Questions and answers about bail. gov (757) 385-8357 : 2 : General District Court: Virginia Beach Kiwania Dennis Virginia Beach To change the Jurisdiction, go to Circuit Court Deed Calculation and then select a Court. All visitors to the Virginia Beach Circuit Court must enter through the main entrance of Building 10, located at 2425 Nimmo Pkwy. You are not charged for rejected or returned filings, however you will see an authorization hold on your bank account. Some of the most dedicated and highly trained professionals make up the Virginia Beach Police Department, the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office and the Virginia State Police. 6/2/21: General District Court Mask Order Officer of the Court Remote Access Attention. squiroga@vacourts. Anderson, Esq. virginia: in the circuit court of the The following are vacancies in the Judicial Branch offices of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Circuit Court Forms Information Forms VIRGINIA BEACH CIRCUIT COURT Welcome to the Virginia Beach online juror response option. 3:2018cv00054 - Document 3 (E. Please visit the Individual General District Court Homepages and the Individual Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Homepages for detailed information regarding specific court schedules and local policies. 2nd District Virginia Beach General District Court. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Virginia Beach, VA 23456 The Court's phone number is 757-385 Apr 5, 2016 · Virginia Beach Circuit Court Docket No. The courts preside over 3,000 criminal cases and 2,500 civil cases annually. Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms You MUST enter through the main entrance of Building 10 located at 2425 Nimmo Pkwy. JOBS. Please enter the information below to begin. The Supreme Court of Virginia establishes the rules of practice and procedure for the circuit courts, and the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court serves as the administrator of the Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Feb 4, 2025 · Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Virginia Beach Circuit Court. Jurors For Report Date: 03/10/2025. It is the goal of the Virginia Beach Circuit Court that all civil cases be concluded within 18 months of the date of filing, except for exceptional cases brought to the attention of the Court. The Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) of the Supreme Court of Virginia is the administrative office for Virginia's Judicial System and provides the technology support to operate the CCMS. The General Assembly also selected attorney Afshin Farashahi to serve on the Virginia Beach District Court and Virginia Parole Board This is a Virginia form and can be use in Virginia Beach Local County. The Court requires the applicant to provide proof of in-person competence with a handgun as provided in § 18. Phone Listing. View and download Virginia Circuit Court, General District Court, and Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court forms. gov Quick Links Contact Leigh Online Payments: VBePay Treasurer's Office Locations Annual Report (757) 385-4445 However, the original Virginia Beach Circuit courthouse dates back to the early 1800s and occupied a nearby area to the present Municipal Court complex. Virginia Beach General District Court 2425 Nimmo Pkwy Virginia Beach, VA Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms The Virginia Beach Circuit Court may call to find out why someone did not show up for jury duty, but our court officials will never request personal identifying information over the phone or request a payment to avoid the court process. 43803 Anderson & Associates 2492 N. In the field marked BARCODE NUMBER: 1. They handle various legal documents, maintain court records, and assist with court proceedings. It shares authority with the general district court to hear matters involving claims between $4,500 and $25,000. Cases may be searched by locality using name, case number, or hearing date. Supreme Court of Virginia, 100 North Ninth Street, Richmond, VA 23219 . Your Group Number is listed on your Juror Summons to the left of your reporting dates. Please complete your application ensuring that all information is as accurate as possible. Virginia Beach General District Court 2425 Nimmo Pkwy Virginia Beach, VA Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Changes, Annulment, Divorce and Criminal Cases Policies Circuit Court Clerk's Office Real Estate Records (Deeds) Military DD-214 Marriage Hunting & Fishing Licenses Notary Public Probate Circuit Court Civil Concealed Handgun Permits Circuit Court Criminal Circuit Court Forms Page Circuit Court 116 South Court Street, Suite A Luray, Virginia 22835 Tel. com. This District Court Directory provides contact information for the judges and clerks of each district court, organized alphabetically by locality. There is a circuit court in each city and county in Virginia. Please follow the directions below to begin: LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS: A. More information, including a downloadable pdf file of the marriage license application, is available on the official Virginia Beach Circuit Court website The average City of Virginia Beach circuit court clerk salary was $217,578, which is 90 percent higher than the average salary for this job in Virginia, and 3177 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. The Virginia Beach Circuit Courts manage a substantial number of cases each year. 50 per sheet of paper and $2. Division. The Circuit Court Daily Docket is updated and posted to this website by 5 p. Nicole A. For details click here. The Hon. gov (757) 393 -8671 . With UniCourt, you can access Probate cases online in Virginia Beach City Courts , find latest docket information, view case summary, check case status, download court documents, as well as track cases and get alerts on new case updates and access Virginia Beach City Courts - Probate cases with Enterprise APIs. daily. Circuit 5 - Franklin City, Isle of Wight, Southampton, Suffolk The Virginia Beach Circuit Court is within the 2nd Circuit in City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Sarah Quiroga : Virginia Beach Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court . The office serves as the official record keeper for the Circuit Court of Virginia Beach, maintaining and managing court documents, issuing subpoenas, and collecting court fees. Circuit and District Courts: Norfolk Virginia Beach Circuit Court, 2425 Nimmo Parkway, Building 10, 4th Floor, Virginia Beach, VA 23456-9017 Independent City of Virginia Beach County Court System Type: Rockingham Circuit Court Court of Appeals of Virginia Fairfax Circuit Court 80 Court Square 109 North Eighth Street 4110 Chain Bridge Road Courthouse Richmond, VA 23219-2321 Fairfax, VA 22030 Harrisonburg, VA 22802 804/371-8428 703/246-4111 540/564-3111 Hon. If you need help, please click on Help button. until 4 p. Warren Circuit Court 1 East Main Street Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Forms Procedures for Civil Actions, Name Virginia Beach, VA 23456. Motions Day: Fri. VJEFS may be used to track case submissions, receive status and other notifications by email, request service of process, and calculate and pay fees online. 02(B). It is the duty of the Circuit Court Clerk to assign a Deputy Clerk to each courtroom to assist the Circuit Court Judges in carrying out each day's activities. Circuit Court Clerks Office 2425 Nimmo Parkway Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456. 5, 2016) Copy Citation Circuit Court Daily Docket Jury Duty Motion & Duty Judge Docket Circuit Court Virginia Beach General District Court 2425 Nimmo Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Members are appointed by the chief judge of the local Circuit Court. Please follow these instructions for a continuance of your court date. m. This is the case management system for circuit courts in Virginia. The Clerk's Office is open to the public from 8:30 a. gov Quick Links Virginia Judicial System Website Prepayable Fines Online Virginia Beach Courts Cell Phone Policy The DD-214 can be filed in the Virginia Beach Circuit Court Clerk's Office Lands Records Department located on the third floor of building 10b. Online access to a statewide search of adult criminal case information in the juvenile & domestic relations district courts, criminal and traffic case information in general district courts and select circuit courts. Kimberly R. The electronic filing system DOES NOT automatically serve opposing parties when you eFile a document with the court. Adrianne L. D. mthn sza ckfzj xht unrl zmlz kfchh yvrj fvp cxr zamvnmfb fiwqf qjh feuv yrgkrwl